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Orthopedic Surgeon – Board Certified

Telephone: 310.203.5490  Fax: 310.203.5412




High School               1956, Christian Brothers College, South Africa

University and           1963, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South

Medical School                   Africa, M.B., B.Ch. (Equivalent to M.D. degree).

                                     1967,  Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh, F.R.C.S.



Internships                 1964, Johannesburg General Hospital, South Africa, Internal Medicine and General


(1974-1975, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, Repeat Internship (for licensure in California).

Residencies              1965-1966, Johannesburg General Hospital, General Surgery Rotation

                                    1967, Edinburgh Royal Infirmary, General Surgery

                                    1968-1970, Johannesburg General Hospital, Orthopedic Surgery

                                    (The Johannesburg General Hospital is the teaching hospital of the University Of the Witwatersrand)                
Fellowships               1970, HIP SURGERY, Professor Sir John Charnley, C.B.E., D.Sc., F.R.C.S., Center for Hip

                                              Surgery, Wrightington, England

                                    1971-1972, SPINE SURGERY, Dr. Edward H. Simmons, M.D.,

                                    B.Sc. (Med), F.R.C.S.S(C), M.S. (Tor), F.A.C.S.; Toronto East

                                    General and Orthopedic Hospital and University of Toronto

General Practice       1966, Locum tenens, Boksburg, South Africa, Occupational Medicine and General Practice

Volunteer Service    1967, Hadassah Hospital, Jerusalem, Israel, Orthopedics (after the 6- Day War) 

                                    1970, Poriah Hospital, Tiberias, Israel

                                    1968 – 1970 – Swaziland – weekend orthopaedic surgery visits                           


Orthopedic 1975-Present, Orthopedic Surgery, Los Angeles Practice                     

                                    Past Member Cedars-Sinai Spine Institute

                                    Past Member Cedars-Sinai Institute for Joint Replacement


Work History:           2000 – Present, Orthopedic Surgeon, Private Practice, Century City, CA

                                    1975 – 2000, Orthopedic Surgeon, Private Practice,Beverly Hills & Los Angeles, CA



1973, F.A.C.S., Fellow of the American College of Surgeons

1989, Carl Pearson Memorial Lecturer, Current Management of

Spine Disorders, UCLA Medical Center

1990, Independent Medical Examiner, State of California,

Department of Industrial Relations

1992, Independent Medical Examiner, State of California

1993, F.I.C.S, Fellow of the International College of Surgeons

1978-1995, Workers’ Compensation Case Reviews, Liberty Mutual Insurance Company, Main Office, Los Angeles.

1992-1994, Director, Comprehensive Spine Center, Midway Hospital Medical Center

1993, Course Chairman, American Back Society Meeting, Los Angeles, December 1994

1993, Chairman, Committee on Surgery, American Back Society

1994 - 1999, Advisory Board Member, WYNGS – Rebuilding lives after spinal cord injury

1995- 1997, Board Member, Arthritis Foundation

1997- 2002, Medical and Orthopaedic Advisor, Los Angeles Police Department Arrest and Control Divisions Academy.

1998, Member Los Angeles Surgical Society

1999, Member of the Society for the Study of Multicultural Medicine.

2004, Program Chairman Simmons Surgical Society Meeting, Toronto.



1963, E.C.F.M.G., Educational Council for Foreign Medical Graduates, USA

1964, Medical Practitioner, South Africa

1967, Medical Practitioner, United Kingdom

1972, L.M.C.C., Medical Council of Canada

1974, F.L.E.X., Federation of Licensing Examination, USA

1974, License to Practice Medicine in the State of California

2007, License to Practice Medicine in the State of Nevada

Board 1970, Orthopedic Surgery Specialist, South Africa Certification

1976, Board Certified Orthopedic Surgeon, American Board ofOrthopedic Surgery


Academic Appointments  

1979-1993, University of Southern California School of Medicine, Assistant-Clinical Professor of Orthopedics

1971-1972, University of Toronto School of Medicine, Division of Orthopedic Surgery, Post-Graduate Training Program

1971-1972, University of Toronto, Faculty of Medicine, Clinical Demonstrator Musculoskeletal System

1968-1971, University of Witwatersrand, Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Lecturer.

1968-1971, Johannesburg General Hospital, Nursing College,Lecturer in Orthopedic surgery

Specific Teaching 1994, Orthopedic R.A.P.P. Committee, Cedars-Sinai Medical Responsibilities  Center

1993, Professional Programs Committee, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center

1993, Spine Service, U.S.C. County Hospital Voluntary Specialist, Spine Rounds and Surgery

1990-1995, Orthopedic Consultant, Genetic Spinal Disorder Clinic, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center

1989-1990, Clinical Chief of Orthopedic Surgery, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center

1988, Surgical advisory Committee, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center

1975-1986, Children’s Hospital Scoliosis Clinic

1975-1986, Children’s Hospital Orthopedic Clinic and U.S.C.

Resident Training

1975-1995, Medical Students, Graduate Students, and Trainees, University of Southern California in Orthopedic Surgery

1971-1972, Orthopedic Residents, University of Toronto

1968-1974, University of Witwatersrand Medical School, South Africa, Lecturer to Orthopedic and General Surgery Residents, Medical and Physical Therapy Students


Hospital Staffs : Attending Orthopedic Surgeon at:

                                    Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles

                                    Olympia Medical Center, Los Angeles

                                    Tarzana-Encino Medical Center, Los Angeles



Local                          Western Orthopedic Association

                                    California Orthopedic Association

                                    Past Southern California Rheumatism Society

                                    Cedars-Sinai Alumni Association

                                    Industrial Medical Council, Qualified Medical Evaluator (Q.M.E.)

                                    California Society of Industrial Medicine and Surgery

                                    Salerni Collegium, University of Southern California

                                    University of Southern California General Alumni Association

                                    1995-1996, Arthritis Foundation, Board of Directors

                                    Phi Delta Epsilon Society

                                    Cedars-Sinai Health Associates

                                    Spine Network of California, Vice President and Cofounder

                                    L.A. Scoliosis Study Group

National                     American Board of Orthopedic Surgery

                                    Fellow of the American College of Surgeons

                                    Arthritis Foundation

                                    Simmons Surgical Society

                                    Scoliosis Research Society, Corresponding Member, 1974

                                    American Back Society

                                    American Academy of Neurological and Orthopedic Surgeons

                                    Contemporary Orthopedics, Surgery Opinion Panel

                                    Directory of Medical Specialists

International              Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh

                                    Fellow of the International College of Surgeons

                                    Past member of the South African Medical and Dental Council

                                    World Medicine Association


Visiting Professor   1970, Poriah General Hospital, Tiberias, Israel

                                   1986, University of Louisville, Kentucky, Orthopedics

                                    1987, Orthopedic University Clinic, Balgrist, Zurich, Switzerland

                                    1988, University of Louisville, Kentucky, Orthopedics

                                    1990, Nanjing, Beijing, and Shanghai, People’s Republic of China

                                    1993, Methodist Hospital of Indiana Indianapolis

                                    1997, May, Japan, Kamakura & Chigasaki Hospital

                                    2001, May 5, The Robert Jones and Agnes Hunt Orthopedic &

                                     District Hospital, Oswestry, England, Center for Spinal Studies

                                    2003, Johannesburg General Hospital, Baragwanth Hospital, University of the                                                   Witwatersrand Orthopaedic Department

                                    2004, University of Louisville, Kentucky Orthopaedic Department



Lectured at:               Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles, Pediatric Orthopedics,

                                                School of Physical Therapy, 1/1978

                                    Los Angeles New Hospital, Recent Advances in the Management

                                                Of Scoliosis, 2/21/1978

                                    University of California at Los Angeles, Physical Therapy

                                                Department, Orthopedic Management of Shoulder

                                                Problems, 7/28/1978

                                    Los Angeles County Department of Health Services Paramedic

                                                Training Section, Spinal Cord Injuries, 9/8/1978

                                    Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles, Orthopedic Problems in a

                                                Pediatric Office, 1/16/1979

                                    Workers’ Compensation Defense Forum second Annual Seminar,

                                                Anatomy and Physiology of the Back, 3/24/1979

                                    American Lupus Society, Bonnie Bernard Den diem Chapter,

                                                Torrance, California, 4/18/1979

                                    Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Pediatric Grand Rounds,

                                                Management of Scoliosis, 4/19/1979

                                    Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles, The Effect of an Exercise

                                                Program on Cases of Mild Scoliosis, 5/16/1979

                                    American Academy of Orthotists and Prosthesis, Southern

                                                California Chapter, A new Post spinal Fusion Orthosis,


                                   Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles, School of Physical Therapy,

                                   Scoliosis, 4/25/80, Arthroplasty, 5/9/1980, and Special Surgical Procedures,                                                    5/16/1980                               

                                   Workers’ Compensation Defense Forum, 3/31/1980

                                   Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles, Scoliosis and Orthopedic Problems in Children                                          and Adolescents, 3/5/1980

                                   IEA Medical Management Students, 4/9/1981

                                   Arthritis Foundation, Southern California Chapter, Community Facts Forum,                                                       11/20/1980

                                  Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles, Sports Injuries Especially In Females, 4/3/1981

                                    IEA Medical Management Students, 4/9/1981

                                    Civil Liability Division Training Schedule, Office of the City Attorney, Orthopedics,                                            3/11/1982

                                    IEA Medical Management Lecture, 3/12/1982                                

                                    Panel Discussion, UCLA, Head and Neck Trauma: The latest

                                                Information Perspectives on Patients with a less than

                                                Optional Recovery-Orthopedic Aspects, 3/1982

                                    Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Department of Pediatrics, Grand

                                                Rounds, Pediatric Clinical Conference, Scoliosis, 4/22/1982

University of Southern California School of Medicine,

            Postgraduate Division, 12th Annual Review, Conference

            On selected Topics in Pediatrics, Walking Straight and

            Tall, 5/3-7/1982

Beverly Hills Medical Center, Third Annual Clinical

            Symposium, 5/9/1982

International Grand Rounds in Medicine, guest Panelist,

            Management of Arthritides, Los Angeles, California,

            Educational Conference Center, 5/17/1982

Tele session Workshop on the Management of Heterotopic

            Ossification, 12/20/1982

Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Grand Rounds, Chymopapain

            Injection, the latest Management of Disc Problems, 1/7/1983

Arthritis Foundation, Southern California Chapter, Wilshire

            Lion’s Club, Arthritis, the Number One Crippler,

            Speaker’s Bureau, 5/121983

Beverly Hills Medical Center Fourth Annual Clinical Symposium

            Palm Springs, Cymopapain, a New Therapy for Back Pain,


Midway Hospital, Chymopapain, a New Forum of Treatment for

            Disc Herniation, 6/13/1983

Buckley School Health Fair Expo, 2/1/1984

 Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Symposium on Ankylosing

 Spondylitis, Speaker on the Orthopedic Aspects Of Ankylosing Spondylitis, 10/20/1

 Orthopedic Audio Synopsis Foundation, Ankylosing Spondylitis Orthopedic Management, 1985 July Issue, Publication Of Continuing Education in Orthopedic Surgery, 1/30/1985 Audio tape Arthritis Foundation 30th Annual Stop Arthritis Telethon, 3/3/1985

University of Southern California, Surgical Intervention in Sports Injuries, 11th Annual Review Course in Family Practice, 5/14/1985

California Chiropractic Association, Spine MRI, 11/7/85

Scoliosis Study Group, Los Angeles, Presentation of Cases,


Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles, Presentation of Cases,

            Division of Orthopedic Surgeon, John C. Wilson,

            Visiting Professor, Dr. John E. Hall, 2/10/1986

Midway Hospital Medical Center, Community Lecture Series,


Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles, Presentation of Cases,

            Visiting Professor, Dr. John Dubbouset, 1/12-15/1987

Visiting Orthopedic Surgery Professor, University Clinic,

            Balgrist, Zurich, Switzerland, 3/17/1987

Simmons Surgical Society Meeting, Past, Present and Future

            Of Spinal Surgery, 4/30/1987

Rehabilitation Nurses Seminar, Liberty Mutual Insurance

            Company, Percutaneous Discectomy, 9/30-10/4/1987

University of Louisville, Visiting Professor, Spinal Cases-Past,

            Present and Future, Lecture Day with Residents and

            Symposium, 5/5-6/1988

Sixth International Conference on Cotrel-Dubousset

            Instrumentation, Monte Carlo, Spinal Salvage Surgery,


Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Program Chairman, National

            Conference on the Prevention and Treatment of

            Pulmonary Embolism, 3/17/1990

25th Annual Spring Meeting, Los Angeles Chapter, Western

Orthopedic Association Dana point, Spinal Salvage Surgery and Cotrel-Dubousset Instrumentation, 3/30-4/1/1990

Ankylosing Spondylitis, Symposium, 4/21/1990

International College of Surgeons, Spine Education, Advanced

            Symposium on Recent Developments of Spinal

            Instrumentation and Disc Surgery, San Antonio, Texas.

            Guest of Honor-Leon Wiltse, Spinal Salvage Surgery,


Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Combined Neurosurgical and

            Orthopedic Update Conference on Spinal Trauma,

            Spinal Salvage Surgery 5/12/90

Little People of America Convention, Spinal Surgery Options,


Presbyterian Intercommunity Hospital of Whittier,

            Management of Complex Spine Deformities, 4/30/1991

San Gabriel Medical Center, Management of Spinal Disorders

            For Primary Care Physicians, 7/2/1992

CIGNA Headquarters, Spine Care and Hip Replacement,


Southern California Edison Conference, Spine Care, 7/24/92

City Attorney of Los Angeles Conference, Spine Disorders


North Hollywood Medical Center, CME, Accessing Disability,


Los Angeles Chiropractic Association, Back Diseases, 9/221992

Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Surgery Grand Rounds,

            Management of Spine Injuries, 2/1/1993

Cedars-Sinai Medical Center Medical Grand Rounds, Back

            Care for the Primary Care Physicians, 2/19/1993

Farmers Insurance Training Class, Management of Occupational

            Diseases, 41993

City Attorney’s Office, Back Problems, 6/8/1993

Guest Speaker, Callahan, McCune &Willis, Soft Tissue

            Injuries, 6/1993

Humana West Hills Hospital, Grand Rounds, Diagnosis and

            Treatment of Common Orthopedic Problems, 8/27/1993

Midway Medical Center, Comprehensive Spine Center, Four

            Seasons Hotel, Management of Backache, 11/30/1993

American Back Society Annual Meeting, San Francisco, Cost

            Effective Management of Discogenic Disease, and Can

            Spinal Salvage Surgery be Done Economically?

Director Consultation Clinics

Moderator, ABS Ground Rounds, 12/2/1993

USC Spine Conference, Scoliosis, 4/20/1994

Healthnet Nurse Case Managers, Orthopedics, 10/25/1994

Senior Citizens National Council, Orthopedics, 10/27/1994

American Back Society, Program chairman, moderator,

Organizer and faculty presenter, Century Plaza Hotel, Los Angeles, 12/1994

 Back Pain in an Era of Healthcare Reform, Cost-effective Treatment of Disc Disease, and Can Spinal Salvage Surgery Be Managed Economically?

North Hollywood Community Hospital, Orthopedic

Evaluation of Industrial Injuries, 3/1/1995

Los Angeles College of Chiropractic, Lecture, Scoliosis,


USC Spine Conference, Cervical Spine Injuries, 4/5/1995

Simmons Surgical Society Annual Meeting, Rancho Mirage,

            Moderator and Presenter, 4/27/1995

           Cost-effective Treatment of Degenerative Disc Disease,

          Can Salvage Spine Surgery be done Economically?

Los Angeles College of Chiropractic, Participant, Managed Care

            Symposium, 5/16/1995

Faculty Conference Rheumatology Today, Pathways to Progress.

            A program for Primary Care Physicians, and Low Back

            Pain in the Primary Physician-New Therapeutic Concepts,

            Century Plaza Hotel, sponsored by Albert Einstein

            College of Medicine, 5/9/1996

Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Home Health Division, Orthopedics


Simmons Surgical Society, Cayman Islands, Orthopedic Practice                   

                Management, 03/25/1998

Los Angeles Scoliosis Study Group, Presentation to Visiting   

                Professor, Tony Herring, 05/20/1998

                        Chubb Insurance Presentation on Orthopedics, 06/10/1998

                        Farmers Insurance Lecture on Orthopedics, 06/12/1998

Spine Network of California, Meeting in San Francisco, 06/27/1998

ORUSA/Orthopedics USA, Conference Talk, Art of Report

                Writing, 08/28/1998

Spine Network of California, Annual Meeting, Carlsbad,

                 California, Surgery of Spine Conditions, 11/13/1998

Presidium, talk on Spine, Hip, and Knee Orthopedic Issues,                                             


Los Angeles Scoliosis Study Group Visiting Professor, O.B. 

                  Boachie scoliosis cases, 0/10/1999

RUSK Rehabilitation Institute N.Y.U., New York, Dr. John E.

            Sarno, invited guest, 08/23/1999

Inaugural Meeting Editorial Board, Journal of Medicine of the     

            Americas, Palm Springs

Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Medical Grand Rounds Conference,  

            The Complete Management of Back Pain, 02/18/2000

Spine Network of California, conference, Las Vegas, talk on

            Accurate Reporting in Workers’ Compensation, 02/28/2000

Midway Hospital Medical Center, monthly lectures, January to    

June 2000, Revolutionary Management of Back Disease

with the Mindbody Connection

Chicago, Conference, Dr. John E. Sarno

Psychogenic Musculoskeletal Pain Disorders, 06/23/2000

Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Community Lecture, Hip, Joint

            Replacement, 08/23/2000

Renaissance Weekend, Beaver Creek, Talk and Symposium on          

           Fitness, 09/01/2000

Los Angeles Chapter of the National Association of

Orthopedic Nurses’ Workshop to celebrate National Orthopedic Nurses’ Day, Guest Speaker, Revolutionary Treatment of Back Pain, 10/28/2000

                                    Western University, Orthopedic Surgery, 11/00

Center for Spinal Studies, Robert Jones and Agnes Hunt,

            Orthopaedic Hospital, Oswestry, England, Innovative

           Treatment of Back Pain, 05/18/2001

Simmons Surgical Society, Deer Valley, Utah, Revolutionary

            Cognitive Management of Back Pain, 04/02/2003

Simmons Surgical Society, Toronto, 5/2/2004, Spinal Surgery

Spine Network of California conference, Las Vegas – Workers Compensation Orthopaedic Assessment, 6/18/2004

Anaheim Memorial Medical Center, 02/06/2007, Common

            Orthopedic Problems

Ventura County Medical Center, 02/28/2007, End of Back Pain: A

             New Interesting Cognitive Approach

Orange County Bar Association, 02/04/2008, Workers’ Compensation

            Section meeting.   

Tristar Presentation, 05/19/2010, Spinal Surgery Considerations.

Torrance Memorial Medical Center, 05/09/2012  CME lecture,

            Advances  In Joint Replacement Therapy, Medical Education            

            Speakers  Network

Northridge Hospital Medical Center, 06/26/2012, Lecture on: History and

            Evolution of Spine Surgery, CME, Medical Education Speakers


Lecture,  6/13/2013, Tristar  - Spine Treatments

Lecture , 08/10/2013 - Adjusters and Claim Managers ,

             "Gold Standard of Tests"

Lecture - 08/20/2013, Early Maslach, Everything You Want To Know

            In Orthopedics

Lecture, 05/09/2014, Alvandi Law Group, Orthopedics

Lecture, 07/25/2014, Floyd, Skeren, Kelly Law Firm, Orthopedics

Lecture, 07/21/2015, Sempra Energy, Treatment of Spinal Conditions



Attended:                   Scoliosis Research Society Annual Meeting, Ottawa, Canada


                                    Orthopedic Hospital, Legg-Calve-Perthes Syndrome, 15 ½

                                                Hours of Instruction, 11/17-18/1977

                                    Scoliosis Research Society Meeting, Japan, Hong Kong, 9/1978

                                    Cedars-Sinai Medical center, Department of Surgery, Section

                                                Of Orthopedics, Seminar on Some Aspects of Total Knee

                                                Replacement, 12/2/1978

                                    American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons Meeting, Toronto,


                                    Hahnemann Medical College and Hospital Scholl of Continuing

                                                Education, Scoliosis, 3/1/1979

                                    Orthopedic Hospital, First Joseph C. Risser Annual Lectureship,

                                                Lecture Kenton D. Leatherman, M.D., Altering the Forces

                                                Of Growth in a Developing Spine, 3/13/1980

                                    American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, 48th Annual

                                                Meeting, Las Vegas, 1981

                                    Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Orthopedic Surgery Day,

                                                Management of Shoulder Problems, 4/29/1981

                                    Centinela Hospital Medical Center, Course-Sports Medicine

                                                Program, Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstructive

                                                Procedure, 6/15/1981

                                    Orthopedic Hospital, Third Annual Joseph C. Risser Lecture,

                                                G. Dean MacEwen, M.D., Evaluation and Treatment of

                                                Mild Idiopathic Scoliosis, 3/11/1982

                                    Seventh Combined Meeting of the Orthopedic Associations of the

                                    English-Speaking World, Capetown, South Africa, 3/21-27/1982

                                    American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, Course on

                                                Intradiscal Therapy, Los Angeles, 2/12/1983

                                    University of Miami School of Medicine, Spinal Surgery,

                                                Back to Basics, Combined Neurosurgical and Advanced

                                                Course, 2/27-3/3/1983

                                    American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, 50th Annual

                                                Meeting, Anaheim, California, 3/10-15/1983

                                    Orthopedic Hospital, Fourth Annual Risser Memorial Lecture,

                                                Dr. Eduardo Luque, M.D., Toracolumbar Fractures,

                                                3/30/1983, and A Decade of Segmental Spinal

                                                Instrumentation, 3/321/1983

                                    Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Cementless Total Joint

                                                Replacement for Hip and Knees, Orthopedic

                                                Surgery Day 11/2/1983

                                    Robert W. Metcalfe, M.D., Arthroscopic Surgery Course, Salt

                                                Lake City, 3/1-3/1984

                                    Hollywood Presbyterian Medical Center, Continuing Medical

                                                Education, PCS Cemented and Cementless Total Hip

                                                Arthroplasty Course, 6/1984

                                    USC Graduate Orthopedic Surgeons Annual Meeting, 6/7-8/1984

                                    Orthopedic Hospital, Hospital Sixth Annual Risser Memorial

                                                Lecture, Edward H. Simmons, M.D., Anterior Spinal

                                                Instrumentation in the Management of Idiopathic

                                                Scoliosis and Pitfalls in the Surgical Management of

                                                Surgical Low Back Disability, 3/13-14/1985

                                    University of Judaism, Earl Warren Institute of Ethics in Human

                                                Relations, Medical Section Continuing Education, Ethical

                                                Issues in Medicine, 4/21/1985

                                    Orthopedic Hospital, William Fielding, Rheumatoid Cervical

                                                Arthritis, 5/1/1985

                                    Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Symposium, MRI of the

                                                Musculoskeletal and Cardiovascular Systems, 1/17/1987

                                    Eighth Combined Meeting of the orthopedic associations of

                                                The English-Speaking World, Washington, 5/3-5/1987

                                    Orthopedic Surgery in Rheumatoid Arthritis, 5/17/1987

                                    Orthopedic Hospital, Charles Lowman, Visiting Professor,

                                                Paul P. Griffin, M.D., 9/10/1987

                                    Memorial Medical Center of Long Beach, University of

                                                California, Irvine, Center for Health Education,

                                                Certification of Course Completion, The  Ilizarov

                                                Techniques for Orthopedics, 11/7/1987

                                    USC International Symposium on Total Hip Replacement, 12/3-


                                    Children’s Hospital, John C. Wilson, Visiting Lecturer,  Pedrog

                                                J. Klisic, 1/25/1988

                                    Scoliosis Research Society Meeting, Amsterdam, 9/1989

                                    American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons Meeting,

                                                Anaheim, 3/1991

                                    Presbyterian Intercommunity Hospital of Whittier, Isola

                                                Instrumentation of the Spine Workshop, 1/1992

                                    Ninth combined Meeting of the Orthopedic Associations of the

                                                English-Speaking World, Toronto, 6/19/1992

                                    Current status of Spine Surgery, Kansas City, 9/23/1992

                                    Scoliosis Research Society, Kansas City, 9/24/1992

                                    Midas Rex Institute, Advanced Instrumentation for Surgical

                                                Procedures, 11/2/1992

                                    What’s New in Human Evolution, Philip Tobras, 12/8/1992

                                    Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Total hip Revision, 4/1993

                                    American Back Society Meeting Buffalo, 5/19/1993

                                    LA Scoliosis Study Group, Marc Asher, 6/20/1993

                                    Risser Memorial Lecture, Surgical Treatment of Scoliosis and

                                    Paul Harrington and Spine Instrumentation, Marc Asher,


                                    North American Spine Society, San Diego, 10/14/1993

                                    Workshop on Moss-Miami Spinal Instrumentation,

                                                Breckenridge, 3/23/1994

                                    QME Course, California Workers’ Compensation, 5/2/1994

                                    American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons Annual Meeting,

                                    1999, Anaheim, California 

North American Spine Society Meeting, San Diego 10/24/2003

AMA Guidelines for Workers Compensation Impairment, 1            11/05/2004

California Orthopaedic Association annual meeting, Palm Springs,    


Course on VISCO Supplementation for Osteoarthritis, Post

Graduate Institute for Medicine, 04/17/2006

California Orthopaedic Association Annual meeting, La Costa,


American Back Society, QME Impairment Rating Course, Oakland, CA,


Western Orthopaedic Association, 72nd Annual Meeting, Maui, HI,


Western Orthopaedic Association, 74th Annual Meeting, Monterey,CA


Behavioral Health Continuing Education (on-line), QME Chronic Pain

            Medical Treatment Guidelines, 04/26/2012

Health-Help Conference, 08/29/2012 to 8/30/2012

Spinal Implants Conference, 10/01/2012

Health-Help Medical Directors Summit, 03/28/2013 - 03/29/2013

California Orthopedic Association Meeting, 04/18/2013 to 04/21/2013

Course SB863, All Aspects, 09/24/2013

Course DWC DAA, Anaheim 11/08/2013

Cedars-Sinai, Osteotomies For Pediatric Deformities, 12/10/2013

Rowen, Gurvey & Win, Physicians Primer, 03/07/2015



  1. A Study Showing the Relationship of Osteoporosis, Haemosiderosis, and Vitamin C Depletion in Young African Blacks

  2. The Effect of High Doses of Calcium on Osteoporosis, A Triple Blind Study

  3. Ongoing Study in the Methods of Management of Scoliosis

  4. An Assessment in the Use Of Chymopapian as a Chemonucleolytic Agent

  5. The Incidence of Scoliosis and Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis

  6. Excimer Laser Disc Ablation

  7. Outcome Study for nonstructural back pain with cognitive

behavior modifications

   8. Relationship of brain function and lumbar muscle blood flow using P.E.T. Brain Scans and Argon clearance in the lumbar muscles



Abstract and             1.   Discography as a Method of Localization of the Symptomatic Level in

Presentation at               Discogenic Disease of the Spine.  Paper presented to the Canadian       

Meetings                         Orthopedic Congress, Quebec City, June 1971

                                   2.   The Incidence of Idiopathic Scoliosis in a Comparable Group     

     Of Black and White Scoll Children in Johanesburg, Presented                                                                       to 49th South African Medical Congress In Capetown, July 1973.     

                                   3.    Discography as a Diagnostic Method in Discogenic Disease of     

The Spine Presented to the 49th South African Medical Congress in Capetown, July 1973                             

                                   4.   Spinal Salvage Surgery. Presented to the Sixth International  

Conference on Cotrel-Dubousset Instrumentation, Monte Carlo, September 1989.                                 

  1.   Incidence of Juvenile Scoliosis in Rheumatism and Arthritis.

  2.  Simmons Surgical Society 21st Annual Meeting, Scottsdale, Arizona –   through the Medical College of Wisconsin, paper delivered on the title Revolutionary Management of Back Pain                                     May 2 – May 5, 2001.

  3. Simmons Surgical Society Meeting, Toronto, Spinal Surgery review, 05/07/2004


Cinematography:       A sound/slide presentation of diatematomyelia.

                                    A sound/slide presentation of kyphosis.

                                    A sound/slide presentation of kyphoscoliosis.


Audiotape:                 Ankylosing Spondylitis, Orthopedic Management, Orthopedic Audio Synopsis Foundation 1985, July issues, Publication of Continued Education in Orthopedic Surgery, 01/30/1985


Articles Accepted For Publication:        

                                      Orthopedics, No.2, June 1974, pp 10-16.  Current concepts in the Management of Scoliosis.

                                    Clinical Orthopedics and Related Research, No. 108, May 1975, pp. 57-70.  An Evaluation of  Discography in the Localization of Symptomatic Levels in Discogenic Disease of the Spine.

                                    Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, 56B, No.2, May 1974, 392. Discography in the Localization of Symptomatic Levels in the Spine.

                                    Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, 56B, No.2, May 1974, 393.

                                    Nursing Clinic of North America, Vol.11, No.4, December 1976, pp 691-698.  Current Concepts in the Management of Scoliosis.

                                    Clinical Research 25181A, 1977.  Prevalence of Scoliosis in Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis.

                                    Journal, Lasers in Surgery and Medicine, 1989, Volume 9, pp 124-131.  Excimer Ablation of Human Intervertebral Disc at 308 Manometers.  Authors: Mark Wolgin, M.D., John Finkenberg, M.D., Thenasis Papeannou, M.D., Clive Segil, M.D., Charles Soma M.D., and Warren Grunfest, M.D.

                                    Having Children, Having Choices, May-June 1992 issue, Children’s Spectacular




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