IME - AME - QME Certified
Dr Clive Segil
Phone: 818-342-5490

What? Orthopedic Expert Witness, Medical Legal Consulting, Medical Legal Advice, Forensic Analysis, Expert Witness Testimony, Approved Medical Expert, Expert Witness Reports, Medical Malpractice Testimony, Medical Malpractice Consulting, Complete Case Reviews, Experienced Medical Expert , Personal Injury, Medical Negligence, Independent Medical Examiner IME , Agreed Medical Examiner AME, Qualified Medical Evaluator, QME, Experienced Board Certified Orthopedic Surgeon Practitioner
Who? Dr Segil has a national reputation for exceptional ability as an expert witness.
Why? What does he do differently from others?
40 years experience as a Board Certified Orthopedic Surgeon Expert for Defense and Plaintiff in Workers Compensation, Personal Injury, Medical Malpractice Cases, all Surgical and Non Surgical Orthopedic Conditions
licensed in California and Nevada
detailed independent medical examination (IME)
careful review of all pertinent medical records and studies
cogent forensic medical analysis will result in the presentation of a TIMELY comprehensive medical report delivered by fax, email, FEDEX or UPS, or USPS
convincing and eloquent in pretrial depositions and interviews, and in trial and mediation
particular expertise in diagnosis, causation, apportionment, evaluation of reasonable medical care and treatment
evaluation of reasonable medical costs, need for future medical treatment, permanent damages, functional impairment, negligence, and standard of care issues
in post verdict jury polls found to be credible, understandable, likeable and engaging with the right communication skills to justify serious consideration of his testimony by jurors in making their decisions
expert ability to help juries understand the issues regarding the merits of the case
works in partnership with knowledgeable counsel, as their personal consultant, from the first contact until the case is resolved.
available at short notice and quick to respond to calls, emails or texts
will travel as needed
will testify via video conference if desired
as a currently treating Orthopedic Surgeon, continues to maintain the highest standards of care
Contact Dr Segil for any services that are not listed above
​Testimonials available upon request

Dr Segil is renowned internationally as a Board Certified practicing orthopedic surgeon due to his clinical expertise in treating thousands of patients over five decades in South Africa, The United Kingdom, Israel, Canada and The United States. His specialities are Spine and Scoliosis, Hip and Knee Replacements, all diseases related to the musculoskeletal system in adults and children.
AVAILABLE 24/7: Dr Segil is available in person or by phone 24/7 to meet with counsel and clients -Dr Segil will give you his personal phone numbers so that you can access him as needed. WE KNOW TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE IN SCHEDULING AND OBTAINING EXPERT TESTIMONY AND WE WILL WORK WITH YOU WITHIN YOUR TIME CONSTRAINTS - AND WILL ACCOMMODATE YOUR URGENT CASES WITH NO EXTRA CHARGE!
CONTINUING LEGAL EDUCATION: Dr Segil regularly provides continuing education to law firms, insurance companies and claims adjusters and others in the legal community. He speaks on all aspects of orthopedics, deposition and trial strategy from the medical witness point of view, how to interview and prepare an expert witness for best results and many more topics derived from his extensive experience over decades, testifying in hundreds of cases. Call Dr Segil, Monica or Brad at 310 203 5490 to schedule a presentation.
MULTIPLE OFFICES IN CALIFORNIA AND NEVADA: Depositions, interviews, consultation and examination are all available by appointment at Dr Segil's Encino, Century City, Lancaster, Glendale, or Burbank offices, as well as in Reno and Las Vegas.
LOYAL KIND AND EFFICIENT STAFF: Two of his staff Monica and Brad have been with him for over 25 years
FLUENCY IN SPANISH: Elizabeth and Linda are fluent in Spanish.
REAL SERVICE NOT VOICEMAIL!: You will speak to a real person not a digitized one, when you call on Dr Segil for his services and will get an immediate response and action!
EFFICIENT SERVICE: Once you engage Dr Segil this is what happens:
- A prompt appointment will be made at the appropriate office
- A detailed examination is carried out
- Xrays, Studies, Medical Records and all Tests are reviewed
- A timely, detailed comprehensive report is developed, analyzing the issues in depth, in preparation, if necessary, for expert testimony.
Based on the accuracy and strength of Dr Segil's reports, many cases are settled to counsel's satisfaction.
Attorneys want experienced, confident and unflappable expert witnesses. After 40 years as an operating orthopedic surgeon, Dr Segil brings the experience of surgical and clinical expertise to his background of testifying in hundreds of trials for both the defense and plaintiff, in personal injury, workers compensation, malpractice and more.
Dr Segil continues to treat all orthopedic conditions with an emphasis on hip & knee joint replacements, and all spine conditions. His philosophy is to treat the whole person as an individual not just the condition or disease. He takes a conservative approach to patient care, believes that many surgeries are unnecessary, and that a surgical option should only be selected when strongly indicated.

Medical-Legal Examinations -AME, IME & Supplemental
Clinical Treatment - Examinations, evaluation, non surgical or surgical treatment

Medical-Legal - Expert, Timely, Comprehensive Advice and Reports
Clinical Treatment - Treating the individual whole person not just the condition or disease

Forensic Advisor - Working in partnership with counsel on both plaintiff and defense issues
Clinical - Working with the patient, their condition and their circumstances
EMAIL: drsegil@drsegil.com AND Monica@drsegil.com OR
Phone: 818-342-5490
Fill in the contact form and hit send OR
17777 Ventura Blvd Suite 230 Encino CA 91316
2080 Century Park East Suite 704 Los Angeles CA 90067